Victim Pimping

  • What is it
  • What signs
  • What kind of help
  • Who can help you
  • The laws
  • Report a case
  • What is it

    Most legislation distinguishes between two forms of pimping. - direct pimping, defined as "aiding, abetting or protecting the prostitution of others; profiting from, sharing the proceeds of, or receiving subsidies from a person who habitually engages in prostitution; or engaging, enticing, or diverting a person into prostitution or pressuring him or her to engage in or continue to engage in prostitution.

    - Indirect pimping, which consists of knowingly providing public or private premises to persons engaged in prostitution. Real estate pimping is an important part of pimping. It has many faces: cabarets, restaurants, nightclubs, private clubs, hostess bars... Even the simple act of lending a van to a prostitute is a pimping offence.

    What signs

    If you are not sure that it is a situation of pimping, these questions will help you find out:

    If you answered YES to 4 or more of these questions, you may be a victim of underage sexual exploitation. Do not hesitate to fill in the form or to contact us. We will do our best to help you find a solution.

    What kind of help


    Who can help you

    Name Phone E-mail Address URL



    Report a case

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    Date of the facts
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