Legislation Prostitution

: Illegal
: Unregulated
: Legal

Country Escort Tax Status Customer Pimping Brothel Soliciting Advertising
Belgium yes worker
France yes no status
Netherland yes worker
Germany yes worker
Switzerlan yes worker
Italy yes worker
Spain no worker
Portugal yes no status
Austria yes worker
Denmark yes worker
Greece yes unknow
Sweden yes unknow
Norway yes unknow
Iceland yes no status
United Kin yes worker
Ireland yes no status
Finland yes worker
Luxembourg yes unknow
Malta yes unknow
Lithuania yes unknow
Croatia yes unknow
Bulgaria yes unknow
Cyprus yes unknow
Romania yes unknow
Poland no no status
Hungary yes worker
Czech Repu yes worker
Estonia yes unknow
Slovakia yes unknow
Slovenia yes unknow





Customer with -18

Art. 417/25; Art. 417/26

Art. 417/25 : The incitement of a minor to debauchery or prostitution consists of inducing, promoting or facilitating the debauchery or prostitution of a minor.
This offence is punishable by 10 to 15 years' imprisonment and a fine of 500 to 50.000 euros.

Art. 417/26 : The incitement of a minor under sixteen years of age to debauchery or prostitution is punishable by imprisonment for a term of 15 to 20 years and a fine of 1.000 to 100.000 euros.


Art. 433quater/1

Punishable by 1 to 5 years' imprisonment and a fine of €500 to €25,000. Pimping consists, without prejudice to the application of Article 433quinquies, of one of the following acts committed against a person of full age: organising the prostitution of others with the aim of obtaining an advantage; - promoting, inciting, encouraging or facilitating prostitution with the aim of obtaining, directly or indirectly, an abnormal economic advantage or any other abnormal advantage; - taking measures to prevent or make it more difficult to abandon prostitution.

Pimping with -18

Art. 417/33

Art. 417/33 : The exploitation of the debauchery or prostitution of a minor consists, without prejudice to the cases referred to in Article 433quinquies, in exploiting in any way whatsoever the debauchery or prostitution of a minor.
This offence is punishable by 10 to 15 years' imprisonment and a fine of 500 to 50.000 euros.
The fine shall be applied as many times as there are victims".

Human trafficking

Art. 433quinquies

The offence of trafficking in human beings is constituted by the recruitment, transportation, transfer, harbouring, receipt, taking or transferring of control over a person :
1° for the purpose of exploiting prostitution or other forms of sexual exploitation;
2° for the purpose of exploitation of begging (3) for the purpose of work or services under conditions contrary to human dignity;
4° [3 for the purpose of exploitation through removal of organs or human body material;]3
5° or for the purpose of causing that person to commit a crime against his or her will]1
Except in the case referred to in paragraph 5, the consent of the person referred to in paragraph 1 to the planned or actual exploitation is irrelevant.
§ The offence provided for in § 1 shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of one year to five years and a fine of five hundred euros to fifty thousand euros.
§ (3) An attempt to commit the offence referred to in § 1 shall be punishable by imprisonment for a term of one year to three years and a fine of one hundred euros to ten thousand euros.
[The fine shall be applied as many times as there are victims]2
(3) A victim of trafficking in human beings who takes part in offences as a direct consequence of his or her exploitation shall not be liable to punishment for such offences.


municipal laws


Art. 433quater/2

Advertising the prostitution of a person of full age is prohibited.
The prohibition does not apply
- in respect of an adult who advertises his or her own sexual services behind a shop window in a place that is specifically intended for prostitution
- in respect of an adult who places advertisements for his or her own sexual services on an internet platform or other medium or part of a medium, specifically intended for that purpose
- with regard to the provider of an internet platform, any other medium or part of a medium, specifically intended for this purpose, who advertises sexual services or a place dedicated to the offer of sexual services by adults, when he takes measures to protect the sex worker and to prevent the abuse of prostitution and trafficking in human beings by immediately reporting possible cases of abuse or exploitation to the police or judicial authorities, and by complying with the modalities set by the King.






Art 611-1 ; Art 225-12-1

Art 611-1 : Punishable by a fine of 1.500 € for 5th class offences : The fact of soliciting, accepting or obtaining sexual relations from a person who engages in prostitution, including occasionally, in exchange for remuneration, a promise of remuneration, the provision of an advantage in kind or the promise of such an advantage.

Art 225-12-1 : When committed as a repeat offence is punishable by a fine of €3,750.

Customer with -18

Art 225-12-1

Punishable by five years' imprisonment and a fine of €75,000 the fact of soliciting, accepting or obtaining sexual relations from a person in exchange for remuneration, a promise of remuneration, the provision of an advantage in kind or the promise of such an advantage, when this person is a minor or is particularly vulnerable, whether apparent or known to the perpetrator, due to illness, infirmity, disability or pregnancy.


Art. 225-5 ; Art. 225-6

Art. 225-5 : Punishable by 7 years' imprisonment and a fine of 150.000 euros. Pimping is the act by any person, in any manner whatsoever, of 1° Helping, assisting or protecting the prostitution of others ; 2° Profiting from the prostitution of others, sharing the proceeds or receiving subsidies from a person habitually engaged in prostitution; 3° Hiring, training or diverting a person for prostitution or pressuring him or her to engage in or continue prostitution.

Art. 225-6 : The fact that anyone, in any way whatsoever, acts as an intermediary is considered to be pimping and is punishable by the penalties set out in Article 225-5: 1° Acting as an intermediary between two persons, one of whom engages in prostitution and the other of whom exploits or remunerates the prostitution of another person; 2° Facilitating a pimp to justify fictitious resources; 3° Not being able to justify resources corresponding to one's lifestyle while living with a person who habitually engages in prostitution or while being in habitual relations with one or more persons engaging in prostitution; 4° To hinder the action of prevention, control, assistance or re-education undertaken by the qualified bodies with regard to persons in danger of prostitution or engaging in prostitution.

Pimping with -18

Art. 225-7

Pimping is punishable by ten years' imprisonment and a fine of 1,500,000 euros when it is committed: 1° With respect to a minor ;

Human trafficking

Art. 225-4-1

Trafficking in human beings is the act of recruiting, transporting, transferring, harbouring or receiving a person for the purpose of exploitation in any of the following circumstances 1° Either with the use of threats, coercion, violence or deceitful manoeuvres aimed at the victim, his or her family or a person having a habitual relationship with the victim; 2° Or by a legitimate, natural or adoptive ascendant of this person or by a person who has authority over him or abuses the authority conferred by his functions; 3° Or by abuse of a situation of vulnerability due to age, illness, infirmity, physical or mental deficiency or pregnancy, apparent or known to the perpetrator; 4° Either in exchange for or through the granting of remuneration or any other advantage or a promise of remuneration or advantage. The exploitation referred to in the first paragraph of this I is the act of placing the victim at his or her disposal or at the disposal of a third party, even if unidentified, in order either to enable the commission against the victim of the offences of pimping, assault or sexual abuse, reduction to slavery, submission to forced labour or services, reduction to servitude, removal of one of the victim's organs, exploitation of begging, working conditions or accommodation contrary to the victim's dignity, or to compel the victim to commit any crime or offence. Trafficking in human beings is punishable by seven years' imprisonment and a fine of €150,000. II. - Trafficking in human beings in respect of a minor is constituted even if it is not committed in any of the circumstances provided for in 1° to 4° of I. It is punishable by ten years' imprisonment and a fine of €1,500,000.


Art. 225-10

Punishable by 10 years' imprisonment and a fine of 750.000 € 1° Holding, managing, operating, directing, running, financing or contributing to the financing of a prostitution establishment; 2° Holding, managing, operating, directing, running, financing or contributing to the financing of any establishment open to the public or used by the public, to accept or habitually tolerate that one or more persons engage in prostitution inside the establishment or its annexes or seek customers for prostitution; 3° Selling or making available to one or more persons premises or locations not used by the public, knowing that they will engage in prostitution there; 4° To sell, hire or make available, in any way whatsoever, to one or more persons, vehicles of any kind, knowing that they will engage in prostitution there.




health and safety requirements

Customer with -18

Customer with Human trafficking

Art. 273g

1. A person who performs sexual acts with another person in return for payment, while he knows or has serious reasons to suspect that this person is a victim of trafficking or under duress (in the circumstances referred to in Article 273f, paragraph 1) shall be punished by imprisonment for a maximum of four years or a fine of € 22,000 (fourth category) 2. The offender is punished by imprisonment of up to six years or a fine of the fourth category if the person against whom the offence is committed is a person who has not yet reached the age of eighteen years.

Human trafficking

Art. 273f

The following shall be punished as guilty of trafficking in human beings with imprisonment for a term not exceeding twelve years or a fine of the fifth category (90.000€) :1°. The person who, by coercion, force or other act or by threat of force or other act, by extortion, fraud, deception or by abuse of superiority resulting from factual circumstances, exploits another person, by abuse of a position of vulnerability or by giving or receiving payments or benefits in order to obtain the consent of a person having control over that other person, recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or absorbs that other person, including the exchange or transfer of control over that other person, with the intention of exploiting that other person or removing his organs; 2°. The person who recruits, transports, transfers, harbors or takes in another person, including the exchange or transfer of control over that other person, with the intent to exploit that other person or to remove his or her organs, while that other person has not yet reached the age of eighteen years;3°. the person who recruits, co-members or abducts another person with the intent to induce that other person in another country to make himself or herself available to perform sexual acts with or for a third party for remuneration;4°. the person who compels or induces another person by one of the means referred to under 1° to make himself available for the performance of work or services or to make his organs available, or who under the circumstances referred to under 1° commits any act of which he knows or should reasonably suspect that this will cause that other person to make himself available for the performance of work or services or to make his organs available;5°. the person who induces another person to make himself available for the performance of sexual acts with or for a third party for remuneration or to make his organs available for remuneration, or commits any act with regard to another person which he knows or should reasonably suspect that this makes that other person available for the performance of such acts or makes his organs available for remuneration, while that other person has not yet reached the age of eighteen years;6°. The person who deliberately takes advantage of the exploitation of another person;7°. the person who deliberately takes advantage of the removal of another person's organs, while he knows or should reasonably suspect that his organs have been removed under the circumstances referred to under 1°;8°. the person who deliberately takes advantage of another person's sexual acts with or for a third party in return for payment or the removal of that person's organs in return for payment, while that other person has not yet reached the age of eighteen years;9°. the person who coerces or induces another person by one of the means referred to under 1° to take advantage of the proceeds of that person's sexual acts with or for a third party or of the removal of that person's organs.


licence regulated by municipal laws




Prohibition near places frequented by minors ; Registration with the competent authority; Mandatory counselling


Art. 232a

Prostitute must be of age, not coerced or a victim of trafficking


Art. 181a

Punished with imprisonment from 6 months to 5 years : 1. exploits another person who engages in prostitution 2. supervises another person engaged in prostitution in the interest of his or her financial gain, determines the place, time, extent or other circumstances of the practice of prostitution, or takes measures to prevent him or her from giving up prostitution, and as such has a relationship with her that goes beyond the individual case. (1) Anyone who infringes the personal or economic independence of another person by commercially promoting the practice of prostitution by the other person by arranging sexual intercourse and by maintaining a relationship with the other person that goes beyond the individual case. (2) According to subsections 1 and 2, anyone who performs the actions referred to in subsection 1 nos. 1 and 2 or the promotion referred to in subsection 2 towards his or her spouse or life partner shall also be punished.


Art. 180a

Punished for up to 3 years imprisonment or by a fine : Any person who maintains or commercially manages an enterprise in which persons engage in prostitution and in which they are kept in personal or economic dependence. Any person shall be punished in the same way : (1) if a person under the age of 18 is provided with accommodation, commercial accommodation or a residence for the purpose of prostitution, or (2) another person to whom he provides accommodation for the purpose of prostitution induces him to engage in prostitution or exploits for the purpose of prostitution.




Art. 199

Anyone who violates the cantonal provisions regulating the places, times and methods of practicing prostitution and those intended to combat its unfortunate secondary manifestations, will be punished with a fine.


Art. 196

Anyone who, for remuneration or a promise of remuneration, commits a sexual act with a minor or induces him or her to commit such an act shall be punished by a custodial sentence of up to three years or by a fine.



Any person shall be punished by deprivation of liberty for a maximum of ten years or by a pecuniary punishment: a. induces a minor to engage in prostitution or promotes prostitution with the aim of obtaining a financial benefit b. induces another person to engage in prostitution by taking advantage of a relationship of dependence or with the intent to obtain a pecuniary benefit c. interferes with the freedom of action of a person engaged in prostitution by supervising the person's activities or by imposing on the person the location, time, frequency or other conditions of the activities d. maintains a person in prostitution.





Pay taxes ; In private residence only; Fines possible according to some local regulations


possible fines according to some local regulations


Art. 3 Law 75

Punished by imprisonment of two to six years and a fine of 100,000 to 4,000,000 lire anyone who recruits a person for the purpose of engaging in or facilitating prostitution, or facilitates prostitution for that purpose ;


Art. 3 Law 75

Punished by imprisonment of two to six years and a fine of 100,000 to 4,000,000 lire : Owning, managing, running or directing a brothel; renting premises for prostitution




Art. 188

1. Anyone who, by using violence, intimidation or deception, or by abusing a situation of superiority or need or vulnerability of the victim, causes a person of full age to engage in or remain in prostitution, shall be punished by imprisonment for two to four years and a fine of twelve to twenty-four months. 2. The same penalties shall be imposed on those who, directly or indirectly, facilitate the entry, stay or exit of persons from the national territory with a view to their sexual exploitation by using violence, intimidation or deception, or by abusing a situation of superiority or need or the vulnerability of the victim.

Pimping with -18

Art. 187

Whoever incites, promotes, favors or facilitates the prostitution of a minor or an incapacitated person shall be punished by imprisonment of one to four years and a fine of twelve to twenty-four months

Human trafficking

Art. 188

1. Anyone who, by using violence, intimidation or deception, or by abusing a situation of superiority or need or vulnerability of the victim, causes a person of full age to engage in or remain in prostitution, shall be punished by imprisonment for two to four years and a fine of twelve to twenty-four months. 2. The same penalties shall be imposed on those who, directly or indirectly, facilitate the entry, stay or exit of persons from the national territory with a view to their sexual exploitation by using violence, intimidation or deception, or by abusing a situation of superiority or need or the vulnerability of the victim.


not in newspaper






Art. 169

1 - Whoever, professionally or with lucrative intent, encourages, favors or facilitates the exercise by another person of prostitution shall be punished with imprisonment from six months to five years. 2 - If the perpetrator commits the crime outlined in the previous number a) By means of violence or serious threat; b) Through ruse or fraudulent maneuver; c) With abuse of authority resulting from a family relationship, guardianship or curatorship, or hierarchical, economic or work dependence; or d) Taking advantage of a psychic incapacity or a situation of special vulnerability of the victim; shall be punished with a penalty of one to eight years' imprisonment.




In some Landers, prostitutes are allowed to offer services in their clients' homes ; It is forbidden to provide services in the sex worker's private place ; Compulsory insurance ; STD tests every 6 weeks


Art. 207b

A person who directly induces a person who has not attained the age of 18 years, by means of remuneration, to perform a sexual act on him or a third person or to have such a person perform such an act on him or a third person, shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than three years.


Art. 216

(1) Any person who, with the intent to obtain continuous income from the prostitution of another person, exploits that person shall be punished by imprisonment for not more than two years. (2) Whoever, with the intent to obtain a continuous income from the prostitution of another person, exploits this person, intimidates him, prescribes the conditions of prostitution to him or exploits several such persons at the same time, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years. (3) Whoever commits the act (paras. 1 and 2) as a member of a criminal organization shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of six months to five years. (4) A person who dissuades a person from giving up prostitution by intimidation shall also be punished by imprisonment for a term of six months to five years.


Art. 215

Promotion of commercial fornication. Whoever causes a person to engage in commercial fornication shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding two years.






Art. 233

Article 233. Anyone who operates a business in which someone else has sexual relations with a customer in exchange for payment or a promise of payment shall be punished for racketeering with imprisonment of up to four years. PC. 2. Anyone who otherwise takes advantage of the fact that another person has sexual intercourse with a client in exchange for payment or a promise of payment shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment of up to 3 years. The same applies to any person who induces another person to have sexual intercourse with a client in return for payment or promise of payment, acting as an intermediary for profit or in more frequent cases. PC. 3. Whoever rents a room in a hotel for the use of another person, in return for payment or promise of payment, has sexual intercourse with a guest, shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment of up to 1 year. § 233 a. Whoever, by unlawfully inducing, reinforcing or exploiting an illusion or by other improper methods, enables another person to have sexual intercourse with a client in return for payment or promise of payment, shall be punished by a fine or imprisonment for up to 2 years.





1. The sexual worker shall be required to hold a certificate of practice. This certificate shall be issued, upon his application, by the prefect of his place of residence, if the following conditions are met by the above-mentioned person:a. He has attained the age of 18 years. b. He/she is unmarried or widowed or divorced.c. He/she is not suffering from a sexually transmitted or other infectious disease.d. He/she does not suffer from any form of mental illness and is not a drug user.e. He has not been convicted, even by final judgment, of intentional homicide, child seduction, facilitation of the prostitution of others, pimping, trafficking in human beings, robbery and extortion, and violation of the provisions of the weapons and drugs laws.2 The granting of the above certificate to a person of foreign nationality additionally requires the legal residence of the person in the country.3. This certificate shall be renewed for an equal period of time, provided that the conditions of the previous paragraph continue to be met. For persons of foreign nationality, this certificate shall be valid for the duration of their legal stay in the country, provided that this is less than three years.


Art. 349(3)

Whoever by profession or for profit promotes or induces or coerces another person to prostitution or exploits the proceeds of the prostitution of another person shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of not less than eighteen (18) months and a fine. The commission of the act by an employee who, in the performance of his or her duties or in the exercise of his or her capacity as such, commits or participates in any way in the act shall constitute an aggravating circumstance.



1. The use of premises for the exercise of a professional group partnership in any form, name or title is prohibited.2. The holder of a licence for the installation and use of a premises may, upon written declaration to the competent police authority, permit the use of the premises to a maximum of two other persons, issued for a fee, who hold a certificate for the exercise of a profession, provided that the written consent of the owner of the premises is obtained, which is attached to the above declaration and subject to the restriction that each of them will use the premises for a period of two years. Both the holder of the aforementioned establishment and use licence and other persons using the same premises as described above are not permitted to carry out the said activity in other premises.3. The granting of a second licence in the same premises or in the same block of flats is prohibited.4. The employment of service personnel by holders of establishment and use licences is prohibited without the permission of the competent prefect. The permit shall be granted only to women over fifty-five (55) years of age




Chap. 6, Art. 11

Anyone who, in a case other than that referred to in this chapter, obtains a temporary sexual relationship for consideration, shall be sentenced for purchase of a sexual service to imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.


Chap. 6, Art. 12

Anyone who improperly promotes or financially exploits a person to have temporary sexual relations in exchange for compensation is sentenced for pimping to a maximum of four years in prison.


Chap. 6, Art.12

Anyone who improperly promotes or financially exploits a person to have temporary sexual relations in exchange for compensation is sentenced for pimping to a maximum of four years in prison.




Art. 316

A penalty of a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months or both shall be applied to any person who a. obtains for himself/herself or another person sexual activity or a sexual act by providing or agreeing on payment, b. obtains sexual activity or a sexual act on the basis of such payment being agreed on or provided by another person, or c. in the manner described in a) or b) makes a person perform acts corresponding to sexual activity on himself/herself. If the sexual activity or act occurred in a particularly offensive manner, and the conduct does not fall within the scope of stricter provisions, the penalty is imprisonment for a term not exceeding one year.



A penalty of a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years shall be applied to any person who a. promotes the prostitution of others, or b. rents out premises and is aware that the premises will be used for prostitution, or is grossly negligent in that respect. Any person who in a public notice unequivocally offers, arranges or seeks prostitution shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.



A penalty of a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years shall be applied to any person who a. promotes the prostitution of others, or b. rents out premises and is aware that the premises will be used for prostitution, or is grossly negligent in that respect. Any person who in a public notice unequivocally offers, arranges or seeks prostitution shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.


Art. 315

A penalty of a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years shall be applied to any person who a. promotes the prostitution of others, or b. rents out premises and is aware that the premises will be used for prostitution, or is grossly negligent in that respect. Any person who in a public notice unequivocally offers, arranges or seeks prostitution shall be subject to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months.




United Kingdom

Customer with -18

Art. 47

A person commits an offence if— (a)he intentionally obtains for himself the sexual services of another person (B), (b)before obtaining those services, he has made or promised payment for those services to B or a third person, or knows that another person has made or promised such a payment, and (c)either— (i)B is under 18, and A does not reasonably believe that B is 18 or over, or (ii)B is under 13. (2)In this section, “payment” means any financial advantage, including the discharge of an obligation to pay or the provision of goods or services (including sexual services) gratuitously or at a discount. (3)A person guilty of an offence under this section against a person under 13, where subsection (6) applies, is liable on conviction on indictment to imprisonment for life. (4)Unless subsection (3) applies, a person guilty of an offence under this section against a person under 16 is liable— (a)where subsection (6) applies, on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years; (b)in any other case— (i)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum or both; (ii)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 14 years.


Art. 52

(1)A person commits an offence if— (a)he intentionally causes or incites another person to become a prostitute in any part of the world, and (b)he does so for or in the expectation of gain for himself or a third person. (2)A person guilty of an offence under this section is liable— (a)on summary conviction, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or a fine not exceeding the statutory maximum or both; (b)on conviction on indictment, to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 7 years.




Art. 7A

7A. (1) A person who pays, gives, offers or promises to pay or give a person (including a prostitute) money or any other form of remuneration or consideration for the purpose of engaging in sexual activity with a prostitute shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on summary conviction— (a) in the case of a first offence, to a class E fine (500€), and (b) in the case of a second or subsequent offence, to a class D fine (1000€).


Art. 9

A person who for gain— (a) controls or directs the activities of a prostitute in respect of prostitution, (b) organises prostitution by controlling or directing the activities of more than one prostitute for that purpose, or (c) compels or coerces a person to be a prostitute, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable— (i) on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both, or (ii) on conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding £10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to both.


Art. 11

A person who— (a) keeps or manages or acts or assists in the management of a brothel, (b) being the tenant, lessee, occupier or person in charge of a premises, knowingly permits such premises or any part thereof to be used as a brothel or for the purposes of habitual prostitution, or (c) being the lessor or landlord of any premises or the agent of such lessor or landlord, lets such premises or any part thereof with the knowledge that such premises or some part thereof are or is to be used as a brothel, or is wilfully a party to the continued use of such premises or any part thereof as a brothel, shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable— (i) on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 6 months or to both, or (ii) on conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding £10,000 or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding 5 years or to both.


Art. 23 of the Criminal Justice

A person who publishes or causes to be published or distributes or causes to be distributed an advertisement which advertises a brothel or the services of a prostitute in the State or any premises or service in the State in terms, circumstances or manner which gives rise to the reasonable inference that the premises is a brothel or that the service is one of prostitution shall be guilty of an offence.
(2) A person who is guilty of an offence under subsection (1) shall be liable—
(a) on summary conviction to a fine not exceeding £1,000,
(b) on conviction on indictment to a fine not exceeding £10,000.

“advertisement” includes every form of advertising or promotion, whether in a publication or by the display of notices or posters or by the means of circulars, leaflets, pamphlets or cards or other documents or by way of radio, television, computer monitor, telephone, facsimile transmission, photography or cinematography or other like means of communication;
“distribute” means distribute to the public or a section of the public and cognate words shall be construed accordingly;
“publish” means publish to the public or a section of the public and cognate words shall be construed accordingly.




27.6.2003/612, Art. 7

It is illegal to purchase and offer sexual services for compensation in a public place.

Customer with -18

Chap. 20, Art. 9

A person who, by promising or giving compensation, induces a person under the age of eighteen years to engage in sexual intercourse or another sexual act shall be sentenced for offering compensation for a sexual act upon a minor to a fine or imprisonment for not more than two years. A person who is a party to a sexual act or other sexual act with a person under eighteen years of age, when one of them has promised or given compensation, shall also be sentenced for offering compensation for a sexual act against a youth. The attempt is punishable.


Chap. 20, Art. 8

Any person who, by promising or providing remuneration of direct financial value, induces a person who is the subject of an offence referred to in § 10 or 11 or in § 3 or § 3a of Chapter 25 to engage in sexual intercourse or a sexual act of a similar nature shall, unless the offence is punishable under § 9, be sentenced to a fine or imprisonment for a term not exceeding six months for exploiting a person who is the subject of sex trafficking. Anyone who takes advantage of the remuneration promised or provided by a third party within the meaning of paragraph 1 by engaging in sexual intercourse or a comparable sexual act with a person who is the subject of an offence within the meaning of that paragraph shall also be convicted of exploitation of a person who is the object of a sex trade.


Chap. 20 Art. 10

Who, for the purpose of obtaining a financial benefit for himself or herself or for another person : (1) arranges a room or other space for sex for hire or for a sexual act comparable thereto, or for sex with a child under the age of eighteen years or for a sexual act likely to endanger the development of the child, 2) as an established part of its business, welcomes those who engage in such an act and thereby essentially promotes the act, 3) passing on contact information or otherwise marketing someone to engage in such an act, knowing that his or her actions essentially contribute to the act, 4) otherwise takes advantage of someone engaging in such an act, or 5) seduces someone to such an act, shall be sentenced for procuring to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.


Chap. 20 Art. 10

Who, for the purpose of obtaining a financial benefit for himself or herself or for another person : (1) arranges a room or other space for sex for hire or for a sexual act comparable thereto, or for sex with a child under the age of eighteen years or for a sexual act likely to endanger the development of the child, 2) as an established part of its business, welcomes those who engage in such an act and thereby essentially promotes the act, 3) passing on contact information or otherwise marketing someone to engage in such an act, knowing that his or her actions essentially contribute to the act, 4) otherwise takes advantage of someone engaging in such an act, or 5) seduces someone to such an act, shall be sentenced for procuring to a fine or to imprisonment for a term not exceeding three years.






Customer with -18

Art. 382-7

Art. 382-7 : Soliciting, accepting or obtaining, in exchange for remuneration or a promise of remuneration, relations of a sexual nature from a minor who engages in prostitution, even on an occasional basis, is punishable by imprisonment of between one and five years and a fine of between 251 and 50,000 euros.

Customer with Human trafficking

Art. 382-6

Art. 382-6 : Soliciting, accepting or obtaining, in exchange for remuneration or a promise of remuneration, relations of a sexual nature from a person who is a victim of trafficking shall be punishable by imprisonment for a period of between eight days and six months and a fine of between EUR 251 and EUR 50,000, or by either of these penalties.


Art. 379bis

A pimp is a person who a) in any way aids, assists or knowingly protects the prostitution of others or solicitation for prostitution; b) in any way shares the proceeds of the prostitution of others or receives subsidies from a person engaged in prostitution; c) hires, trains or maintains, even with his or her consent, a person, even if he or she is of full age, for the purpose of prostitution, or delivers him or her into prostitution or debauchery; (d) who acts as an intermediary, in any capacity whatsoever, between persons engaged in prostitution or debauchery and individuals who exploit or pay for the prostitution or debauchery of others; (e) who, by threat, pressure, manoeuvre or any other means, hinders the action of prevention, control, assistance or rehabilitation undertaken by the qualified bodies in favour of persons engaged in prostitution (L. 13 March 2009) Attempting to commit the acts set out in number 5 shall be punishable by imprisonment of between three months and two years.


Art. 379bis

Anyone who owns, directly or through an intermediary, manages, directs or operates a bawdy house or prostitution house shall be punished by imprisonment of one to five years and a fine of 251 euros to 50,000 euros. Any owner, hotelier, landlord, cabaret owner, in general any person who transfers, rents or makes available to others or tolerates the use of all or part of a building, knowing that the premises transferred, rented or made available are used for the exploitation of the prostitution of others.








Art. 182-1

Prostitution or paid use of prostitution services - shall be fined between three hundred and five hundred litas. The same acts committed by a person punishable by an administrative fine for the offence provided for in the first paragraph of this Article, - shall be punishable by a fine of five hundred to one thousand litas or by arrest. shall be punished by a fine of five hundred to one thousand litas or by an administrative arrest of up to thirty days. Note. A person engaged in prostitution who was involved in prostitution while materially, by reason of service or otherwise dependent, or involved in prostitution by using physical or mental coercion or deception, or involved in any way in prostitution as a minor and/or victim of human trafficking , shall not be held administratively liable. shall be recognized as a victim in criminal proceedings."


art. 182-1

Prostitution or paid use of prostitution services - shall be fined between three hundred and five hundred litas. The same acts committed by a person punishable by an administrative fine for the offence provided for in the first paragraph of this Article, - shall be punishable by a fine of five hundred to one thousand litas or by arrest. shall be punished by a fine of five hundred to one thousand litas or by an administrative arrest of up to thirty days. Note. A person engaged in prostitution who was involved in prostitution while materially, by reason of service or otherwise dependent, or involved in prostitution by using physical or mental coercion or deception, or involved in any way in prostitution as a minor and/or victim of human trafficking , shall not be held administratively liable. shall be recognized as a victim in criminal proceedings."


Art. 307 ; Art. 308

Article 307. Profiting from the prostitution of another person : 1. Whoever has profited from the prostitution of another person or has conspired in prostitution, shall be liable to a fine or to restriction of liberty, or to arrest, or to imprisonment for up to four years. 2. Whoever organised or directed prostitution or transported a person to or from the Republic of Lithuania for the purpose of prostitution with his/her consent, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term not exceeding six years. 3. Whoever profited from the prostitution of a minor or organised or directed the prostitution of a minor or otherwise exploited a minor for the purposes of prostitution,shall be sentenced to imprisonment for a term of three to ten years.

Article 308. Entry into prostitution : 1. Whoever engages a person in prostitution, shall be liable to a fine or to restriction of liberty, or to arrest, or to imprisonment for up to three years. 2. Whoever engages in prostitution a person who is materially, by reason of service or otherwise dependent on him or her, or who engages in prostitution a person by means of physical or mental coercion or deception, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of two to seven years. 3. Whoever recruited, forced or in any way involved a minor in prostitution, shall be punished by imprisonment for a term of three to ten years.




Art. 12

The punishment for sex workers is a fine from 25 to 100 EUR or imprisonment up to 30 days:


Prostitute must be of age, not under constraint or a victim of trafficking.


Art. 157

(1) Whoever, for the sake of profit or other benefits, lures, recruits or encourages another person to provide sexual services or organizes or enables another person to provide sexual services, shall be punished by imprisonment from six months to five years. (2) Whoever forces or induces another person to provide sexual services by means of force or threat, deception, fraud, abuse of power or a difficult position or relationship of dependence, or who uses the sexual services of such a person for payment, and knew or had to could have known about the said circumstances, shall be punished by imprisonment from one to ten years.


Art. 7

Article 7 criminalises allowing for the use of one’s premises for prostitution or enabling or helping a person engage in prostitution.


Art. 157

(3) Whoever advertises prostitution through means of public information and other similar means, shall be punished by imprisonment for up to three years.








Art. 155

Whoever incites another person to prostitution or leads to obscene acts or copulation shall be punished by imprisonment of up to three years and a fine of one thousand to three thousand BGN.








Art. 157

Whoever- (a) procures a woman, who is under twenty-one years of age, to have unlawful carnal intercourse with one or more persons, either in the Republic or elsewhere; or (b) induces a woman to engage in common prostitution, whether in the Republic or elsewhere; or (c) induces a woman to leave the Republic for the purpose of becoming an inmate of a brothel elsewhere; or (d) induces a woman to become, for the purpose of prostitution, an inmate of a brothel, whether in the Republic or elsewhere, is guilty of a misdemeanour and liable to imprisonment for a term not exceeding five years.


Art. 156

Whoever or whichever- (a) maintains, manages or in any way participates in or assists in the management of a brothel; or (b) is a tenant, lessee, occupier or manager of a premises, knowingly permits the premises or part thereof to be used as a brothel or for the regular practice of prostitution; or (c) is the lessor or owner or agent of, leases any premises or part thereof to his knowledge that it may be used as a brothel or voluntarily participates in its continued use as a brothel, is guilty of a misdemeanor.




Decriminalised but administrative infraction and fine possible

Customer with Human trafficking

Art. 216

The use of the services provided for in Art. 182, provided by a person who is known by the beneficiary to be a victim of human trafficking or child trafficking, is punishable by imprisonment from 6 months to 3 years or a fine, if the act does not constitute a more serious crime.


Art. 213

Determining or facilitating the practice of prostitution or obtaining patrimonial benefits from the practice of prostitution by one or more persons is punishable by imprisonment from 2 to 7 years and the prohibition of the exercise of certain rights.

Human trafficking

Art. 182

Exploitation of a person means: (a) forced labour or services; (b) holding in slavery or other similar servitude or servitude; (c) compelling to engage in prostitution, in pornographic performances for the purpose of producing and disseminating pornographic material or in other forms of sexual exploitation; (d) forcing to engage in begging; (e) illegally removing organs, tissues or cells of human origin. Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)






Art. 204

§ 1. Whoever, in order to achieve financial gain, induces another person to engage in prostitution or facilitates it, shall be punishable by imprisonment of up to 3 years. § 2. The penalty specified in § 1 is subject to anyone who derives financial benefits from practicing prostitution by another person. § 3. If the person referred to in § 1 or 2 is a minor, the perpetrator shall be punishable by imprisonment from one year to 10 years.




art. 9

health certificate to be renewed every 3 months

Customer with -18

Art. 200

Anyone who offers or solicits a person under the age of eighteen to engage in prostitution commits a crime and shall be punished by imprisonment from one to five years.


Art. 200

Anyone who, for the purpose of making a profit, procures someone else to perform a sexual act, shall be punished for a felony with imprisonment of up to three years.

Pimping with -18

Art. 200

Anyone who offers or solicits a person under the age of eighteen to engage in prostitution commits a crime and shall be punished by imprisonment from one to five years.


Art. 201

Who a) induces others to engage in prostitution, b) makes a building or other place available to others for the purpose of prostitution, c) * is punishable by imprisonment for up to three years.


Czech Republic




Art. 189

(1) Whoever induces, procures, hires, entices or seduces another to engage in prostitution, or who profits from the prostitution of others, shall be punished by imprisonment for six months to four years, prohibition of activity or forfeiture of property. (2) The offender shall be punished by imprisonment for two to eight years if he commits the act referred to in paragraph 1 a) with the intention of obtaining a significant benefit for himself or for another, or b) as a member of an organized group.





Customer with -18

Art. 202

Inciting a minor to commit a crime or to engage in prostitution, as well as using a minor for prostitution - is punishable by a prison sentence of two to five years.


Art. 202§6

(1) Inciting a person to prostitution or facilitating prostitution - shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for up to one year. (2) For inducing a person between the ages of 18 and 21 to engage in prostitution or for facilitating prostitution - shall be punishable by deprivation of liberty for a term of one to three years. (3) For inciting a person to prostitution or mediating prostitution, if it was committed: 1) by using violence or any other coercion, or (2) in relation to a minor, or 3) in relation to two or more persons, or 4 ) by a person who has already been punished for the same act, - will be punished with deprivation of liberty for three to seven years.


Art. 201

The use of residential or non-residential premises belonging to a person for illegal gambling or prostitution or other activities prohibited by law - is punishable by a fine or arrest or deprivation of liberty up to five years.






Art. 367

Whoever procures, moves, seduces, uses, obtains or offers to engage in prostitution, or whoever profits from prostitution carried out by others, or allows it to be carried out, shall be punished by imprisonment for up to three years.



